That's why so many foreign businesses look for a Chinese partner who has good contacts already, like an agent or business partner. And is there any other way to shortcut this process ? Not really. Gift-giving is helpful, presenting a small gift at the end of a meeting, for example. Don't expect immediate returns, though, and don't give anything big. The Chinese government has clamped down hard on bribery in recent years and won't tolerate it. What you have to do is build friendships. And how would you go about that? Any particular tips? There's no particular secret, just get to know your partners, exchange small talk, invite them out for meals. Chinese people love eating out. They'll certainly invite you out to a restaurant at some point. The main thing is just to be yourself, with an extra bit of formality and politeness. Don't do what some people do and try to be Chinese. 这就是为什么这么多外国企业寻找已经有很好人际关系的中国搭档,像代言人或者商业搭档。