Some small traders worry that eBay has lost interest in them. They say it's increasingly focused on winning business from large retailers instead. "In these six to seven years I've been doing it, I have seen it changed quite a lot as well. It has gone from kind of embracing the smaller sellers to n… 一些小商家担心自己已经在易趣失宠,并表示易趣的注意力日益转向大型零售商。 “我在易趣的这六七年也看到了它的巨大变化。它从以前面向小型商家转向现在的大型企业。易趣正逐步变成一个类似亚马逊的市场。他们(管理者)似乎想要把易趣变成主要零售商和大型销售商的市场。这样的趋势使很多小商家失去优势,因为小商家的等…