Good morning, everyone! As a language learner, there are so many approaches to learning a foreign language. In today's lecture, we will talk about an excellent way to learning a language, which is called suggestopedia. It is a teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov which is based on a modern understanding of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively. The term "suggestopedia", derived from suggestion and pedagogy, is often used loosely to refer to similar accelerated learning approaches. So it is often claimed that it can teach languages approximately three times as quickly as conventional methods. The intended purpose of suggestopedia was to enhance learning by lowering the affective filter of learners. It is a system for liberation. A liberation from the preliminary negative concept regarding the difficulties in the process of learning. A liberation of previously suggested programs to restrict intelligence and spontaneous acquisition of knowledge, skills and habits. The method implements this by working not only on the conscious level of human mind but also on the subconscious level, the mind's reserves. Since it works on the reserves in human mind and brain, which are said to have unlimited capacities, one can teach more than other methods in the same amount of time. Some of the key elements of suggestopedia include a rich sensory learning environment, a positive expectation of success and the use of a varied range of methods. And it adopts a carefully structured approach, using four main stages as follows: three times negative concept different methods practice 大家早上好。 做为一个语言学习者,有很多可以学习语言的方法。 今天的讲座中,我们要讨论一种很好的学习语言的方法,启示教学法。 这是一个由保加利亚心理治疗师Geo基于对于我们大脑如何运作的理解和如何学习才最有效的理解而发明的一个教学方法。 启示教学法这个词,是根据启示和教学法这两个词提炼而来的,而且通常被用来指代那些相似的能促进语言学习的方法。 据说运用它教授语言比起传统方法要快3倍左右。 启示教学法的预期目的是通过降低学习者的情感过滤从而促进学习,这是一个解放的系统,它能解放以前我们对学习过程中会遇到的困难所持的初始否定观念,解放以前那些会限制我们的智商和对知识技能的自然获取的方法。 这个方法达到这些效果,不仅通过作用于人类的意识层面,也通过作用于人们的潜意识层面,大脑的储备。 正是由于它是作用于人们大脑的储备,这些储备中有着无限量的容量,所以在相同时间内用这种方法比用其他方法都要教授更多的东西。 启示教学法的三个关键要素分别是,丰富的感官环境,对成功的积极渴求和运用不同的方法。 而且它运采用的是一种很有着很严谨结构的方法,有一下四个步骤