Second, we will come to the fundamental principles of writing a dissertation and you have to take care of the following key points: First of all, it is an extended piece of writing, usually divided into chapters. So it is wise for you to plan the lower and upper word limits acceptable for your dissertation and whether you should be following a particular sequence of chapter headings. Secondly, it contains a detailed exploration of evidence. The referred evidence may be from published texts, or it may consist of primary research data gathered by your own, for example a sociological study of attitudes to gender roles based on research methods such as interviews and questionnaires. Thirdly, you are required to be clear about the nature of the methodology you will use for gathering the evidence. That is to say, why are you collecting data or analyzing evidence in that way rather than in another way? And also, it must be supported throughout by awareness of theory which means your argument should be placed within the context of existing theory relevant to the subject. Finally, it has to be presented in a professionally finished manner. So you have to be fully aware of the precise details about the format, layout and stylistic requirements of your assignment.