Intensive reading is reading carefully for an exact understanding of text. In practical life, acquired intensive reading skills are used for comprehension of contracts, business letters, memorandums, application forms and legal documents. Intensive reading equips us with basic reading strategies to enable us to achieve fluency and competence in the areas of vocabulary recognition and to develop critical thinking skills. The objectives of intensive reading courses are usually achieved through the following activities, such as, distinguishing a variety of text types and genres, guessing and predicting the content of a text, interacting with a variety of texts for different purposes, and so on. Then what is extensive reading? Extensive reading is reading a lot for pleasure at a fairly easy level with emphasis on general understanding so that whatever is read is comprehended without the use of a dictionary. Extensive reading increases language proficiency, especially reading level and speed. Extensive reading encourages us to take charge of our own reading development and produce independent readers who value reading as a life-long pursuit. Also it develops the habit of reading not just for information or to perform certain tasks but also for pleasure. The objectives of extensive reading are usually achieved through establishing personally relevant reading goals, comparing a variety of question types and narrations, maintaining a record with details of reading accomplished each week, and so on.