Today,black people are spread all over American's 50 continents and most of them are the descendants of African slaves. Blacks living on islands off the coast of Georgia and North Carolina speak Gullah,which still sounds like the English of the slaves. The slave trade spread Pidgin English throughout the Caribbean Island and the southern US and became the basis for Plantation Creole. A number of scholars do not accept such a scenario. These researches argued that the demographic conditions in the US and the Caribbean where restructured Creole languages are widely spoken were really quite different and that the condition necessary for the emergence of full-fledged Creole language were never met in the US. These scholars have shown on a number of occasions that what look like distinctive features of Black English today actually have a precedent in various varieties of English spoken in Great Britain and the Southern United States. It seems reasonable to suggest that both views are partially correct and that Black English developed to some extent through reconstructing while it also inherited many of its today distinctive features from older varieties of English,which were once widely spoken. 追溯过去,黑人分布遍及美国的五十个州,而且它们大多是非洲奴隶的后代。住在乔治亚州沿海附近的岛屿的黑人仍然说着古拉语,一种听起来很想英国奴隶的语言,奴隶贸易在加勒比海域和南美传播了洋泾浜英语,并逐渐成为了并逐渐成为种植园克里奥尔语的基础。 很多学者不承认这种看法。这些研究者争辩说,美国和加勒比海的人口分布状况大不相同,而且美国一直不具备形成一种发展完全的古拉语的外在条件。他们表明很多今天黑人英语所拥有的独特的特点实际上在大不列颠和美国南部所使用的很多英语变体中都有先例。 可以说两种观点都是部分正确的。黑人英语在进行重新塑造的同时也传承了很多现在使用的英语变体的特点,并被广泛