In England and Wales,prospective university students apply for places through the Universities Central Council on Admissions (UCCA). Students do not apply directly to the universities themselves. Successful candidates are admitted directly into a specific degree "course." A degree course normally takes three or four years to complete. At most universities students study only one major subject. Each course is structured with a fixed program of classes for the entire three years. Increasingly, universities in the United Kingdom are offering classes on a modular basis, which allows students to broaden their studies creating a more interdisciplinary program. This modularization, however,has not replaced the traditional British degree course with the American concept of credit accumulation. In addition, there is generally a sharp distinction between the arts and sciences and there is seldom any cross-over between the two. At a British university, more emphasis is placed on independent, self-directed study than in the United States. Required texts and definite reading assignments are less common. More typically, an extensive reading list covering all topics to be discussed is distributed at the start of the course to be used for independent research. British students typically consult a large number of sources from the library rather than intensively studying a few books purchased by everyone taking a course. In addition, students are required to write more essays and take fewer objective tests than at U.S.institutions. Classes often take the following forms: lectures, which are sometimes completely optional; tutorials,in which a small number of students meet with the lecturer;and seminars, larger discussion classes often based upon seminar essays. Unlike the U.S. system of regular testing in a course,British students sit for final examinations that cover the full year's work.and determine the grades for the class. With the growth of modularization, however, there has also been an increase in the number and variety of modules offered on a semester basis 在英国和威尔士,即将成为大学生的学生通过大学招生的中央委员会申请。学生不会自己直接向大学申请。成功的候选人被直接录取进一个具体的学位凭相关的课程。一个大约需要花3到4年结束的一个课程。在大多大学,学生一般只学一门主修课程。每个学校对于整个3年都以一个固定的课程计划为结构组织课程。逐渐的,越来越多的英国的大学开始以单元为基础的课程授课,这也让学生通过这些多学科课程扩展了自己的学习。但这样的模块化并没有以美国的学分积累制度取代了英国的传统学位课程。而且,在艺术和科学之间还有巨大的差别。而且这两者之间几乎没有什么交叉。英国大学比美国的大学更强调独立自主的学习。一些必修的课文和明确的阅读任务不是很常见。更典型地是,一个包含所有讲要讨论的话题的课外阅读书单在学期的一开始就发放了,以供独立研究。英国学生一般是从图书馆借阅大量资源而不是集中研究每个修课程的人都买的一些书。而且,学生被要求写更多的论文,但与美国大学比,参加更少的客观的测试。课程一般是以这样的形式开展的。讲座,有时候是完全自主选择的,个别的指导课程,参加课程的以小部分学生会与讲座的老师见面。研讨会,是基于研讨论文的规模相对更大耳朵讨论课。不像美国的在课程中进行常规考试的体制,英国学生参加包含全年内容的期末考试。但随着模块式课程的不断发展,以学期为基础的模块的数量也越来越多,并且很多样。