Next, let's compare the US and the UK higher education from two aspects,namely, grading and course levels. First, about the Grading. In the UK, assessment methods vary by institution and tend to reflect the UK teaching method and style. Written examinations, which are held at the end of a year or, in some cases,in the final undergraduate year only, are the most common form of study assessment. There is no official method of equating British and American educational qualifications. The educational systems are very different and attempts to compare them must be done on a strictly provisional basis. Many U.S. institutions have already developed systems of assessing their study abroad students or equating British grades to U.S. grades. Professors at UK institutions grade more strictly than their counterparts in the United States. As a result, American students studying in the UK often perceive that they have performed poorly in their classes, when they have not. Grades are given as percentages rather than letter grades. 40% is the minimum passing grade and high percentages are rarely awarded. A grade of 70%or higher is considered "with distinction." In general, percentages increase from 40 rather than decrease from 100%, as they do in the United States. 下面,我们要来从两个方面比较英国和美国的高等教育,即,评分标准和课程级别。首先,评分标准,在英国,评估的方法根据学校的不同而不同,而且能反应英国的教学方法和风格。每一个学期末的书面考察,在一些情况下,当然只在本科生中,是最常见的学习评估方法。没有将英国和美国教育资质等同起来的官方的方法。美国和英国的教育系统是很不同的,如果要将他们做比较,就必须在严格的基础上进行。很多美国的学校已经开发出一套评价他们的海外留学学生的学习和如何将美国和英国之间分数进行转换的方法。英国学校的教授比美国的教授评判更严厉。结果,在英国学习的美国学生认为他们在课堂上表现颇差,实际上不是。分数是以百分数的形式而不是数字分数的形式给出的。40%是最低的通过的分数,高的百分数几乎很少授予。70%的分数已经被认为是一种荣誉了。一般来说,百分数是从40%开始上涨的而不是从100%开始递减的。而从100%开始递减是美国耳朵做法