Besides,the Internet offers lower search costs and better product selection. Shopping using the Internet overcomes the time and pecuniary costs of traditional shopping;shoppers can shop from the comfort and convenience of home,and need not travel to physical storefronts. Shoppers are able to locate many vendors online using search engines and websites designed for shopper navigation, view detailed product information from a variety of vendors' websites,compare price and quality among different vendors,and make purchases online. With online shopping,shoppers no longer have to suffer the costs and incomplete information of traditional hierarchical search,making product searches easier and more effective. For example,a shopper is able to search over 3 million titles in from the computer screen at home,as compared to going physically to the bookstore,which carries an average of 80,000 titles. product selection costly 而且,因特网提供了更低廉的搜索花费以及更好的产品选择。相比较传统的购物而言,使用因特网购物避免了时间和金钱的花销。购物者可以舒适方便地在家里进行购物,而不需要走进市场实体店。购物者可以在网上使用搜索引擎以及购物网站查询众多的供应商,从众多的供应商网站上浏览产品的详细信息,以便于在不同的供应商之间比较产品价格及质量,然后在网上下订单。 通过网络购物,购物者再也不用承受传统分层次搜索的花费,不必面临信息不完整的情况,这让产品搜索变得更加简单高效。例如,购物者可以通过家庭电脑搜索亚马逊网站上超过3,000,000条信息,正如我们亲自走进一个书店,它平均可以给我们提供80,000条信息一样。