The symbolic implication conveyed in the cartoon is that love is most desired where one is in difficulty. Among all the notable emotions of human race, the most sublime is love. As the picture depicts, love is just like a smiling lamp whose rays become brighter where it is darker. A case in point is the Project Hope. In many poverty-stricken areas in China, few children can afford to go to school owing to lack of financial support. Therefore, the Project Hope is initiated to help them get out of difficulty and continue their schooling. Let's take another example. The year 1998 witnessed a disastrous flood in China. At that time, people all over the country were united as one and donate whatever they could. Be it money or goods, a large number of donations were raised and sent to the severely affected areas, which helped the victims to relieve their difficult situation. Whenever one gets in trouble, it is our duty to lend a helping hand to him or her. As John F. Kennedy put it, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Only in this way can each corner of our society be lit up by love.