[00:00.30] [00:01.86]The picture vividly depicts an American girl, [00:05.03]wearing a traditional Chinese costume of a certain minority group, is smiling heartedly. [00:11.97]She is wearing a long pair of ear rings and a necklace with a pearl tassel. [00:16.99]Her hat is cute and trimmed with lace. [00:19.48]The clothes add oriental charm to her beautiful appearance. [00:23.77]In my opinion, what the picture conveys is far beyond a new fashion trend [00:29.37]and carries cultural implications as well. [00:32.08]It is clear that a unique culture can be accepted by the international society [00:38.32]when its distinctive features are fully expressed. [00:41.76]In fact, national cultures have no boundary [00:45.34]and may be appreciated and shared by people from other cultural backgrounds. [00:50.44]Admittedly, as the reflection of the outlook of the people, [00:55.16]national cultural as priceless spiritual treasure ought to be preserved and cherished. [01:00.78]At the same time, there are positive reasons to advocate international culture [01:06.10]While global economic integration has fostered thorough cultural interchanges, [01:12.23]it is multiculturalism that essentially makes the society and its people diverse, [01:18.55]colorful, vigorous and open-minded. [01:21.74]Generally speaking, to be international is undisputedly the best choice [01:26.86]if a nation wishes to adopt an open-minded way of progressing. [01:31.39]