[00:00.30] [00:02.00]As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, [00:04.59]four children are playing a "football match" of taking care of their aged father. [00:09.99]Each of them stands in a different corner of a football field. [00:14.13]The eldest son kicked out the father with the other three children guarding their goals. [00:20.21]The purpose of the drawing is to show us [00:23.21]that due attention has be paid to the mistreatment of senior citizens. [00:28.02]First and foremost, some people shirk their duty of financially supporting their old and helpless parents due to their own interests. [00:37.23]Furthermore, some elderly people are often ill-treated by their own children and cannot lead a normal life. [00:44.99]Last but not least, while some young people enjoy a comfortable life, [00:50.06]their parents are neglected and reduced to utter poverty. [00:54.86]It is imperative for us to take drastic measures. [00:58.31]To begin with, relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those [01:04.65]who shun the responsibilities of caring for their parents. [01:08.74]In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of the young [01:12.68]that respecting the old has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture. [01:18.53]Only in this way can we curb the current evil phenomenon revealed in the picture. [01:25.27]