The cartoons vividly depict the current celebration of western and Chinese festivals in China. In the first picture, the Lantern Festival is defeated by St. Valentine's Day on an arena. The caption reads, "The Lantern Festival PK St. Valentine's Day". In the second pictures, a happy Santa Claus with lots of gifts is running in front of two astonished Chinese children with firecrackers and lanterns in their hands. We are informed that "the Spring Festival is in danger". The purpose of the drawing is to show us that importance should be attached to the issue of festival celebration. On the one hand, western festivals are so colorful that the youth, in particular, cannot resist the temptation of them. Just imagine the romantic atmosphere on St. Valentine's Day, the fun on All Fool's Day and the ecstasy brought by gifts and games at Christmas. On the other hand, Chinese festivals have their own attractions. Think about the comfort of family reunion during Spring Festival and the delicacy of national feelings on many occasions. As for me, some fashionable western festivals are no doubt to be celebrated as special days. Meanwhile, I cannot afford to be absent from family gathering during many Chinese festivals. I would enjoy the happiness of both western festivals and Chinese ones. 这些漫画生动地描绘了当前中国人庆祝西方和中国节日的现状。在图一中,元宵节在擂台上被情人节击败。文字说明显示:“情人节PK元宵节。”在图二中,一个开心的圣诞老人满载礼品,跑在两个惊讶地拿着鞭炮和灯笼的中国孩子前面。我们被告知:“春节危险。” 这些漫画的目的是告诉我们应该重视庆祝节日的问题。一方面,西方节日如此丰富多彩以至于年轻人尤其难以抵制其诱惑。设想一下情人节的浪漫气氛、愚人节的乐趣、圣诞节礼物和游戏带来的惊喜。另一方面,中国的节日也有其魅力。想想春节期间全家团圆的温馨以及很多节日中民族情感的慰藉。 对我而言,一些时尚的西方节日无疑是要特别度过的。我希望那个可以同时享受西方节日和中国节日的快乐。