The cartoon vividly illustrates a gang of youngsters, holding axes in their hands, are rushing to fight with others. The caption reads, "Juvenile delinquency has shown a low-age trend." Careful deliberation of this problem has given me several ideas as to why this should be so. To begin with, with the rising divorce rate, some children are not properly taken care of, and are easily led astray by evildoers. What is more, devoid of the nourishment of education and a school environment, the teenagers failing in various entrance examinations become full of resentment at a society which they feel has rejected them. Last but not least, inexperienced and gullible young people plunge into the illusory world of video games, online chat or even pornography. Such alienation from proper social values is the slippery slope to crime. It is my view that, first of all, the whole society should attach great importance to the sound growth of youngsters. Furthermore, proper guidance and protection from adults and schools are vital to teenagers. To sum up, if we exert every effort, the juvenile crime rate will undoubtedly be brought down and effectively controlled in a short while. 这幅漫画生动描绘了一群年轻人手持斧头,正要跑去打架。文字说明显示:“青少年犯罪低龄化。” 对这个问题的认真思考使我明白了这个问题出现的原因。首先,随着离婚率的上升,有些孩子没有得到适当的照顾,很容易被坏人带入歧途。其次,由于缺少教育和学校环境的熏陶,在各种入学考试中落榜的青少年对社会充满仇恨,认为社会抛弃了他们。最后无知而易受骗的年轻人陷入电子游戏、网络聊天甚至色情的虚幻世界中不能自拔。这种偏离正确的社会价值观很容易导致犯罪。 在我看来,首先,整个社会应该高度重视青少年的健康成长。其次,成人和学校的正确引导和爱护对青少年至关重要。总而言之,如果我们竭尽全力,青少年犯罪率无疑会在短时间之内下降并得到有效控制。