As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, a smart boy and a pretty girl are staring at a huge constrution entitled "harmonious society". The construction is based on harmonious cities, countries, communities, families, campuses, enterprises and medical treatment, to name only a few. Although a lot of efforts have been put into bridging the widening gap between rich and poor in our nation, the situation is far from optimistic. A case in point is the uneven development of our nation. On the one hand, some people in the developed areas of country are enjoying almost everything that modern civilization can offer - luxury cars, expensive houses and other devices for comfortable living. 这幅漫画象征性地描绘了一个伶俐的小男孩和一个漂亮的小女孩正在仰望一个名为“和谐社会”的巨大建筑。这个建筑建立在和谐城市、和谐乡镇、和谐家庭、和谐校园、和谐企业、和和谐医疗等基础上。 尽管我们已经付出巨大努力来弥补我国贫富之间日益加剧的差距,但是情况远远不能令人乐观。我国的不平衡发展就是一个很好的例子。一方面,有些发达地区的人们正在享受现代文明几乎能够提供的一切——豪华轿车、豪华住宅以及提供舒适生活的其他设施。