It is symbolically revealed in the cartoon that sand storm in a city is so heavy that taxis cannot move any more. A passenger with a mask on his mouth, is riding on the back of a camel, which is the new "taxi". The purpose of the cartoon is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to environmental protection. On the one hand, it so happens that we cut trees to clear land for farming and level up a lake to build houses. The result of so doing and other destructive developements is deforestation and uncontrollable desertification, thus driving us homeless like the scene we see above. On the other hand, scientists have warned that unless drastic steps are taken, the problem of sand storm will eventually get out of hand. As a matter of fact, people from all walks of life are showing a real concern over this issue. From my point of view, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem. For one thing, the best way to fight back against the greedy desert is to vigorously set about the task of planting trees and grasses for the reforestation to reclaim the land. For another, since trees play a vital role in water and soil conservation, we must waste no natural resources and possibly develop alternative forms of energy to replace the decreasing resources. Accordingly, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and our descendants. 这幅漫画象征性地描述了一个城市中的沙尘暴非常严重,以至于出租车无法开动。一位行人面带口罩,骑在新的“出租车”——一只骆驼的背上。 这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们应该充分重视环境保护。一方面,我们砍伐树木以便获得耕地,填平湖泊以便修建房屋。这些行为以及其他破坏性发展的结果就是乱砍滥伐和无节制的土地沙化。最终如我们看到的景象一样,使得我们无家可归。另一方面,科学家已经警告我们,除非采取严厉措施,否则沙尘暴问题将最终失控。事实上,各行各业的人们正在对这个问题予以充分关注。 在我看来,我们对这个问题应该制定具体的措施。首先,由于树木在水土保持中发挥重要作用,抵制贪婪的沙漠的最好方法就是积极地开展植树种草、收回土地的工作。其次,我们必须停止浪费自然资源,并且发展替代正在减少的资源的可行性能源形式。地球是我们的家园,我们有责任为了我们自己和子孙后代照顾好她。