Before you guys start, I know you're mad. Disbelief, Claire -- just... disbelief. I'm just concerned. Where did you get the idea to do this? The internet. Honey, there is a healthy way to lose weight. Yeah, I tried that, but... it doesn't work for me like it does for you. Hey, you don't need to lose weight. What are you eating? And how much have you been working out? Most of the time, when people hit their target weight, they have to work to stay there. Everyone gains weight in college, mom. It's... stressful. There's -- there's not enough time for exercise. I just thought if I wasn't worried about my diet, then... I could focus more on my studies. So you took yet another shortcut? Life doesn't work that way, Claire. Tina! Tina! What? You want to argue this? She has so much potential. If she would just apply herself... Okay, I think we should focus on taking care of your daughter. And, Claire, your parents agree -- Claire , the best thing to do is to reverse the bypass. No! No, it's my body. I do not want surgery again. Please? There are serious complications. And this is about your health. But I'd rather be thin. Well, I'm afraid the choice isn't up to you.