I brought the consent forms again. You really need to sign them. Your surgeon scheduled the O.R. Mr. Duff, are you all right? Mr. Duff, Are you having another seizure? Yeah. Yeah Yeah. Yeah I think maybe I am. What is it? It's me. I think it's about to be over. We know what we're doing, Mr. Duff. You saw the angio results. We're catching the A.V.M. just in time. You don't need to be nervous. You're not gonna die. I'm not talking about dying. My whole life has been about what I see and about believing in myself, whatever people think. You're telling me there's a chance that will go away. Look, you're a healthy guy. You're gonna live a long, full life. If your psychic visions are real, you've got to believe you'll have them when you come out.