Mary had been shaped by foreign tastes and fashions. To her, Scotland seemed distinctly backward, but Holyrood would have to do. The most comfortable option in a harsh Scottish winter. She adapted the old living quarters of her mother, and made them her own. Richly coloured, hung with thick tapestries to keep out the cold Scottish drafts, these rooms were far more lavish and comfortable than in most castles in Scotland. And as Mary lay here and looked up at the wood panelled ceiling. She must have thought this is not where she intended to be. After all, she was destined to be the glorious Queen of France, but then seeing her parents' initials in the ceiling, MR, for Maria Regina, and IR, for Jacobus Rex, she must have felt she'd come home. Mary took up the reins of power with firm ideas about how she wanted to govern. 玛丽受了外国品味和时尚的薰陶,对她来说,苏格兰是个落后的地方,但面对苏格兰的严冬,荷里路德宫是最好的选择。她把妈妈以前住的地方,变成自己的寝宫,色彩丰富、有厚厚的挂毯抵抗严寒,比任何苏格兰城堡更豪华、舒适。玛丽睡在床上,抬头望上木天花,心里肯定觉得自己不是这里的人。她本来应该是尊贵的法国皇后,但看到父母名字的缩写。MR代表母后,IR代表父王。她必定也有回到了家的感觉,玛丽执掌朝政,有自己一套治国方针。