But ultimately there was no escape from her royal destiny. Mary had to provide an heir and so marry again. One man stood out, her cousin, Henry Stuart Lord Darnley, painted here aged 17, alongside his younger brother. It would be a disastrous choice. As always with these portraits, it's about much more than just what he looks like, though he's a fine figure of a man. The painting is full of symbols about their status and their power and their importance as a family. Just look at the watch he's wearing around his neck and the expensive gloves he's holding in his hand. It might seem rather funereal to us these days that they're both dressed head to toe in black, but back then only the seriously wealthy could afford black clothes because black was the most expensive kind of dye. Darnley was a good looking man. Mary was smitten. 但是最终,她仍然没能逃避皇室的天命。为了后继有人,她必须再婚,有个人选脱颖而出:她的堂亲,亨利斯图亚特,即是达恩利勋爵。这是他17岁时和弟弟一起的画像,这个人选却会带来大灾难。他相当英俊,是很有活力的年轻人,你没看走眼,画的是一位男子,他只一个身体苗条的男人,这幅画充满了他们地位和权力的象征,还有他们成家的重要性。仅仅看他脖子上的这块表,还有他手上握着的昂贵的手套。今天我们看来这可能有点像葬礼一样的装束,他们从头到脚都是黑色的装扮,但是在那时只有有钱人才能买得起黑色的衣服,因为黑色是最昂贵的染料。达恩利是一个帅气的男人,玛丽深深的爱上了他。