This is the best likeness that remains of the man who caused all the problems. He was undoubtedly a favourite of Mary's. She promoted him from being a musician in her private music group to becoming her secretary, but it was no more than a friendship, though certainly one that Mary valued. There were so few continental Europeans here at the palace, and Mary must often have felt more French than Scottish, but Darnley thought there was more to it. On the night of 9th March 1566, here at Holyroodhouse, Darnley determined to put an end to Rizzio's relations with Mary. All was quiet. It was a night like any other as Darnley crept up the back stairs. He burst into Mary's bedchamber and then into the supper room here, where Mary was sitting with Rizzio and some other guests. Darnley demanded that Mary should hand Rizzio over. 这幅画把那个肇事者画得最传神,他肯定获得玛丽的欢心。她把他从私人乐团乐师擢升为秘书,但他是玛丽重视的朋友,并无其他。 宫内只有少数来自欧洲大陆的人,而玛丽自觉似法国人多于苏格兰人,但达恩利认为不只是这么简单。1566年3月9日晚上,达恩利决定斩断两人的关系,一个寻常的夜晚,周围一片宁静。 达恩利偷偷跑上后楼梯,他闯入玛丽的寝室,跑入饭厅。玛丽、里齐奥和其他宾客都在座,达恩利要玛丽把里齐奥交出。