Mary refused, and bear in mind she was seven months pregnant at the time, and Rizzio all the while was clinging to Mary's skirts, cowering in terror. At this moment, five co-conspirators of Darnley's burst in, bodily dragged Rizzio off Mary, dragged him into the next room and stabbed him there some 50, 60 times, until he was dead. And then when it looked as Mary might sound the alarm, she was threatened herself with being cut into collops, cut into pieces, if she made so much as a sound. Mary fled the palace and shortly after, in the safety of Edinburgh Castle, gave birth to a son she named James. As for Darnley, Mary claimed to have forgiven him, but barely a year later, he was found murdered in mysterious circumstances. Within three months, Mary had married the main suspect. It was all too much for the Scottish nobles. She was forced to abdicate. 玛丽拒绝,而她当时有7个月身孕,里齐奥慌张地躲在她裙子后面。然后达恩利5个同党闯入,把里齐奥拉到另一个房间。向他连刺50…60刀,把他刺死。玛丽想示警,也受到威胁,说如果她敢做声,便把她切成碎片。玛丽逃离皇宫,跑往爱丁堡城堡,她的儿子在那里出世,定名詹姆斯。对于达恩利,玛丽自称已经宽恕他,但事隔未满一年,他便神秘地被杀,三月之内,玛丽嫁给主要的嫌疑犯,苏格兰贵族鼓噪,玛丽被迫退位。