The future of Scotland lay once more with a small fatherless child. James was proclaimed king at just one year old. But his father's family, the Darnleys, had even bigger ambitions for the young king, and no one more than his scheming grandmother Margaret, who would commission an extraordinary object. This is one of the most important early jewels in the entire royal collection. It's gold with enamels, and rubies, and emeralds and it's full of complex symbols, which would have been clear at the time, but some of which we can no longer decipher. And it has lots of little hidden compartments, like here where you can see a skull and cross bones. And then inside more symbols and figures. Here you can see Time, with his cloven hooves, and the mouth of hell here. 苏格兰的未来,又再付托给一个没有爸爸的小孩儿。詹姆斯一岁便登基为苏格兰王,但他爸爸的家族对他寄望甚殷,尤其是诡计多端的祖母玛嘉烈。她聘请工匠造了一件特别的珍品,这是皇家珠宝珍藏中,最重要的早期收藏品之一,黄金加上珐琅、红宝石和翡翠。有很多复杂的符号,古人应该明白,但有部分已非我们所能理解,而且有很多暗格,例如这里,可以见到骷髅骨标志。里面还有更多符号和形状,这里见到邪魔的偶蹄和地狱之口。