Meanwhile, life for Mary had gone from bad to worse. Defeated and fearful for her life, she fled to England and threw herself on the mercy of her cousin, Queen Elizabeth. Mary Queen of Scots, poor girl, believed that Queen Elizabeth was on her side. I think Elizabeth was genuinely horrified when this problem arrived unexpectedly on her doorstep. So she made sure that Mary Queen of Scots would be locked up in close confinement all the time she stayed in England and really left it at that. In a world torn apart by religion, Catholic Mary was now prisoner in her Protestant cousin's kingdom. Elizabeth was the cat and poor Mary the mouse. Mary just got more and more desperate and I think she just wanted some dramatic resolution of this situation and a plot against Elizabeth's life was her foolish way of pursuing the same. 至于玛丽,形势越见危急,她失去权位,恐怕性命也难保,于是逃往英格兰,向表姊伊利沙伯女皇求助。 可怜的苏格兰女皇玛丽,她以为伊利沙伯女皇站在她一边我看伊利沙伯见到麻烦突然找上门,真的大吃一惊。所以她把玛丽关起来、严密监视,就不再理会。 在这个因宗教而动荡不安的世界中,信奉天主教的玛丽,被信奉新教的表姊囚禁起来。伊利沙伯是猫,可怜的玛丽变成鼠。 玛丽越来越惶恐,为挽救困局,挺而走险,竟然愚蠢到阴谋刺杀伊利沙伯,带来的后果是无可避免的。