Over time, Holyroodhouse has proved itself to be far more than just a palace. Its story is the history of Scotland itself. It's a biography in stone. Scotland's royal palace sits alongside the ancient abbey that gave it its name, Holyroodhouse, the House of the Holy Cross. The abbey guest house, for centuries a royal retreat, would evolve into a great palace, a building that would unite the fortunes of three kingdoms - France, England and Scotland. And it all began with Mary Stuart, better known as Mary Queen of Scots. She was a vibrant, clever woman, but a Catholic queen in a land overwhelmed by Protestant revolution. It would shape the course of her tragic life. 荷里路德宫不单是一座行宫,它记载了苏格兰的历史。其实是一本用石头砌成的传记,这座行宫与古老的修道院并排而立,因此定名为荷里路德,意思是“圣十字架”。修道院的客房一向是王室避静之所,后来加建成为宏伟的宫殿,把三个帝国的兴衰成败联系起来:法国、英格兰和苏格兰。一切从玛丽斯图亚特开始,就是世人熟悉的苏格兰女皇玛丽。她是个活泼、听颖的女子,可惜这位信奉天主教的女皇,偏偏生在新教徒崛起的土地上,由此编写了她悲剧的一生。