This palace could only belong to a King. But, like Mary before him, Charles would embrace the latest foreign tastes and fashions. From the moment that Charles comes back, you can see that his style is going to be different and it's also going to be French. One of the little examples is the way that he immediately redesigns his bedchamber, which was actually a place where you met people rather than you slept. It is very important to carry on the style which is across Europe. It's kind thing which ought to surround a King. The painting above the fireplace shows the infant Hercules of Greek mythology, half man, half God, strangling evil serpents from his cradle. It's a rather heavy hint about the heroic nature and godlike qualities of the King himself. 这座宫殿只可能是国王所有,但是就像他之前的玛丽女王,查尔斯总是拥抱最新的外国的美味和时尚。从查尔斯回来的那个时刻,你会发现他的风格发生了变化,好像是法国人。其中一个例子是他立刻从新设计了他的卧室,这实际上是一个你会见客人而不是睡觉的地方。把这种遍布欧洲的风格继续下去是很重要的。这是一种应该围绕一个国王的东西,壁炉上面的绘画展示的是希腊神话里的大力神,他还是个婴儿,半人半神。他掐死了摇篮里邪恶的毒蛇,这是他英雄的本性和神一样的品质,强烈的暗示。