Perfect choice of subject for a king now in triumph over the men who dared to challenge his family's right to rule and beheaded his father. The monarchy and all its values had been well and truly restored. The tapestries at Holyroodhouse make up one of the finest collections in Britain, but their delicate condition requires dedicated specialist care. Hello, Margaret. Hello. Look at this, so tell me what you're doing here. Well, I'm conserving this tapestry. I'm almost finished, I've been working on this tapestry for over a year. Over a year? Over a year, so the end is just round the corner here. How long would something like this take to weave? Well, if there were three men working on this, a tapestry this size maybe would just take about seven months to weave. Gosh, right. And because I have some small experience of weaving tapestries myself I can appreciate the skill involved in these. 这个主题正适宜这位国王使用,他现时主宰了曾经挑战王族权利…以及把他父亲斩首的人,君主制度和价值观真正恢复了。荷里路德宫的挂毯是全英国最好的收藏品之一,但它们需要专家细心呵护。 你好,玛嘉莉 你好 请介绍一下你的工作 我在做保护挂毯工作,快完成了,工作进行了超过一年。 超过一年? 超过一年,做完这个角落便完成。 这种挂毯需要编织多少时间? 3个人做的话,大约只需要7个月,我对编织挂毯有少许经验,明白当中所需的技巧。