I have to admit when I look at them, and certainly with this one, they look like, forgive me, but they look like a rather poor relation to the paintings because they're so drab, you know, the colours are so sludgy and muddy. Yes, well, of course, what's happened is that the colours, the vegetable dyes that they used, and have all faded over time. For instance, this blue area here, this originally would have been green, shades of green. The iris down here would have been more pinky or violet. So, when they were up on the walls, were they sort of, jewel-like colours, and rich and vibrant? Yes, in fact, I think we would probably be quite surprised at how bright they were. Perhaps we would think they were maybe a bit vulgar, but I suppose when it was candlelight, you know, dark rooms, bright colour's just wonderful. So it takes a leap of faith, we've got to look at these tapestries in a different way really? I think you do. 我承认,当我看见这块挂毯时,请恕我直言,它们似是画像的穷亲戚。因为颜色暗哑像瘀泥。 是的,植物染料随着时间褪色,例如这块蓝色,本来是绿色。下面这朵鸢尾花本应是粉红或紫色,以前挂在墙上,应该色彩斑斓。 是的,可能鲜艳得令你吃惊,我们会认为俗气,但在烛光之下,阴暗房间配上鲜艳色彩,很美妙。就像凭信仰跳跃一样, 我们要以不同的眼光去看挂毯? 是的