I think the fact that tapestries are still here for us to enjoy, this tapestry is 400 years old. And it bearing in mind how much it's gone through, it's been cleaned, it's been repaired, but it's still here, and we're lucky enough to be so close to it and even just to walk around Holyroodhouse and just to be able to see these tapestries in 400 years. What will they have seen? So the next time you look at a tapestry, you must remember all this. I'll think of you, Margaret, I promise. Under Charles II, the most impressive celebration of regal history was the Great Gallery. Commissioned all in one go from the Dutch artist Jacob de Wet, the portraits are meant to show every Scottish monarch from the beginning of time. 我认为挂毯仍在这让我们的欣赏是因为这个地毯有400年在头脑里想象它经历过多少东西。它被清洗、修补,却任然在这我们很幸运能够与它如此的接近,甚至仅仅是环绕荷里路德宫走一圈。仅仅看看这些挂毯。它们已经四百年了! 他们会看到什么? 所以下次当你看到一个地毯时,你必须记住所有这些! 我会记住你的。我承诺! 查理二世兴建的大画廊,是纪念皇室历史的最大建设,画像由荷兰艺术家狄维一手包办,绘出历代苏格兰国王的画像。