Jacob de Wet wasn't the finest of painters, so perhaps it's as much by accident as by design that all these portraits look so similar, but the point he was trying to make is, here are the great figures of the Stuart dynasty all gathered in one room. And if you want to check out a family characteristic, have a look at the noses. But the Stuart hold on power was not at tight as the family had hoped. The Dynasty, so often rocked by religious difference lost both the Scottish and English crowns. By 1715, a distant German cousin, reliably Protestant, sat on the throne. Once again, Holyroodhouse looked a long way from the centre of power but one direct Stuart descendant would return to try to re-establish Stuart rule. He was known as the Young Pretender, but would go down in history as Bonnie Prince Charlie. 狄维不算是最好的画家,所以可能是有心,亦可能是无意。这些画像都很相似,但用意在于把斯图亚特王朝的国王,全部集中于一室。如果你想找家族的特征,请看看他们的鼻子,但斯图亚特王朝的权力,并不如王族的期望中那么稳固。王朝一再受制于宗教差异,又失去英格兰和苏格兰的皇位。1715年一位德裔远亲登上皇位,皆因他是新教徒,可以信赖、荷里路德宫再一次远离权力中心,但有位斯图亚特后裔卷土重来,尝试重建王朝,他被称为“幼僭王”。历史书把他称为“小查理王子”。