The palace house is a rare and fragile object, a miraculous survival through the centuries, an intimate piece of embroidery stitched by Mary herself. Embroidery was a common pastime then for women of a certain class and Mary was particularly skilled at it, but she chose her designs carefully and imbued them with meaning. So when you look at this, it may seem almost childlike, "A catte," but there were times in her life when she was like the cat, when she was the monarch, the ruler of Scotland, and her subjects were the little mice running around. But by the time she came to stitch this, her fortunes had reversed dramatically. Suddenly she was the mouse, under the watchful glare of the cat. 宫内有一件稀罕而脆弱的珍藏,能够保存多个世纪,实在是奇蹟。这是玛丽亲手刺绣的工艺品,刺绣是古代闺秀惯常的消遣。 玛丽的手工特别灵巧,但她精心挑选图案,凭刺绣而寄意。这一幅看起来充满童真,是只猫。但在她一生中,她有时像一只猫。当女皇的日子,臣民就是小老鼠。但到了刺绣时,她的命运已逆转,突然变成猫爪下的小老鼠。