This is where Charles first set foot on the mainland. A local clan chief had warned him he'd find no supporters here, he'd best go back to France. But Charles was undeterred. he said, "I have come home, sir, and I'm persuaded that my faithful Highlanders will stand by me." Charles wrote to the local highland chiefs urging them to meet him here at Glenfinnan at the head of Loch Shiel. Charlie MacFarlane is descended from a Highlander who volunteered to fight for him. This was where the Prince rendezvoused his army and he arrived here, having come up the loch, to find nobody arrived yet and after two or three hours he was getting anxious and then the sound of the pipes was heard and the clan Cameron came over that pass there, and more of them came down the glen from Glen Dessary. 800 or so of them. 这是查理登陆的地点,一位本地氏族的当家向他发出警告,说不会有人支持他,劝他返回法国,但查理不肯轻易言退。他说:我已经回到家,相信忠心的高地人会支持我。查理写信给本地氏族的当家,请他们来兆尔湖的格伦菲南会合。查里麦法连的祖先,是其中一位志愿勤王的高地人,这是王子召集军队的地点。他到达时,发觉尚未有人来,等了2、3个小时后,心里正着急,然后听到风笛吹起,卡梅伦氏族从那个山拗而来,越来越多的人从迪沙里峡谷走下来,大约800人左右。