They must have been quite a sight as they came down from the glens? Yes, yes. And they were all in their highland dress? Of course, that was the dress they wore for centuries. Was that the moment he knew he could make a bid for the throne? Oh, yes, yes, I think he thought that before then. I think, you know, he was young and full of hope and and headstrong too, you know? Also he, you know, was, he had great charm as well. And, of course, the people looked on him as they would on a chief done out of his rights. He was the rightful heir to the throne and that was one good reason for supporting him. 大批人从峡谷下来,一定很壮观 是的 他们都穿着高地服装? 当然,那是穿了很多世纪的服装。那一刻他是否对登上王位充满希望 是的,他应该老早有这个想法。他年纪轻,满怀希望。他任性,也十分有魅力。当时的人觉得他被人抢占王位,他才是真正的王位继承人,值得支持他。