A month later, in a wily early morning assault, Charles's supporters took Edinburgh as the city slept. Their leader soon triumphantly followed. As Bonnie Prince Charlie made his way to Holyroodhouse, curious crowds lined the streets of Edinburgh to welcome him and he looked every inch a bona fide royal, decked out in Highland dress with a tartan cloak. And as the trumpets sounded and the heralds proclaimed his father king, the people cheered. The palace now became Bonnie Prince Charlie's campaign headquarters. And this is his call to arms, to summon yet more troops to accompany him into battle. It was written here, at Holyroodhouse, and it says, "All those who are willing to take arms for our service as volunteers are hereby ordered to repair this day at two in the afternoon to the Great Hall. That's in here, of this our Palace of Holyroodhouse, there to have their names enrolled." And it's signed Charles. 一个月后,查理的部队在黎明出击,趁对手仍在梦乡,攻占了爱丁堡。他们的统领也意气风发地随后而至,查理王子前往荷里路德宫之际,好奇的群众在路旁欢迎。他一身高地服装,配上格子呢斗篷,确实有王子风范。当喇叭吹起,传令官宣称他父亲是国王时,群众都欢呼起来,宫殿成为了王子的起义总部。这是他召集人民参战的军令,就在荷里路德宫这里写成,上面写着:志愿者须于今午二时,在大礼堂报到…即是这里就在荷里路德宫这里点名,签名的就是查理。