At Holyroodhouse, one picture captures the crushing defeat of Bonnie Prince Charlie's Highland soldiers. Perhaps it's just as well the picture's not so easy to get a good look at. It's a piece of propaganda. It shows the government troops clearly with the upper hand, well dressed, well armed and then the supporters of Bonnie Prince Charlie, exhausted, starving. They looked like a rabble and certainly they were no match for the government troops. Culloden was a blood-soaked massacre. When the battle was over, the blood lust was running so high among the victors they went on to slaughter men, women and children unfortunate enough to be living near by. Charles escaped to France, but he never got over his failure to take the British crown. In Scotland, the authorities cracked down on his rebel supporters. Highlanders could no longer wear tartan, now a crime against the state. Almost 60 years passed before they could sport it again. 荷里路德宫有幅图画,绘出查理王子高地部队大败的情景。图画不易看到,未尝不是好事。这是一幅宣传品,显示政府军占尽上风。他们穿着整齐、兵器精良,查理王子的部下却又累又饿,看来是一批乌合之众,完全不是政府军的对手。卡洛登之役是一场血腥大屠杀,打完之后,胜方杀红了眼,连住在附近的男女老幼也一个不留。 查理逃往法国,对于夺位失败,一直耿耿于怀。在苏格兰,政府大力镇压叛党,高地人不能再穿格子呢服装,因为构成叛国罪,几近60年后,才可以再穿到身上。