And its rehabilitation happened here at Holyroodhouse. In 1822, George IV came to Edinburgh. It was the first visit to Scotland by a reigning British monarch for over 100 years. It was designed to signal a new era in relations between Scotland and England. It was a time for reconciliation. It said to the world, "Well, we haven't forgotten our history. We still have a great affection for our history and we don't want our history to be forgotten, nevertheless, our history is behind us and what we are going to do for you is march into a new era of history where Scotland will be a fully equal and prosperous member of the United Kingdom." 这种服装就在荷里路德宫获得平反。1822年,乔治四世来到爱丁堡,这是一百多年以来,首次有英王驾到苏格兰,此行显示苏格兰和英格兰的关系…踏入新纪元,当时踏入和解的年代,信息是:我们没有忘记历史,我们仍然缅怀历史,不想忘记历史。不过这页历史已经过去,现在要步入历史的新纪元,苏格兰将会成为联合王国中…一个平等、繁盛的成员国,国王当然要到访自己的行宫。