Naturally, a highlight of the trip was the King's visit to his palace. The part that Holyrood played in all this pageantry was that it was the visible seat and symbol of the old Scottish monarchy, of the old Stuart house. So, in a sense it was necessary for this German to come to Holyrood saying, "I'm not coming here as a concrete foreigner. I'm coming here as the heir to all this Scottishness." To underline his commitment to Scotland, the King wore a very special outfit. Here's George IV, resplendent in all his tartan glory, and he was the first British monarch ever to wear tartan, Royal Stuart tartan no less, and what's he trying to say here? He's saying, "It's no longer an act of treason to wear tartan. It should be worn with pride, and he is the King of the Scots as well as the English. An extravagant costume was not the only expense the King incurred. 荷里路德宫扮演的角色是,它是前斯图亚特王朝的象征,所以这位德裔国王必须来行宫,向大家宣称:我不是外国人,我是苏格兰王族的继承人。 为了显示对苏格兰的承担,国王穿上一套特别的服装,这是乔治四世穿上格子呢绒的雄姿。他是第一位穿上格子呢绒的英王,而且是斯图亚特王族的格子呢绒。他想传达什么信息?就是穿格子呢绒不再是叛国行为,而是值得自豪的事。而他不只是英王,也是苏格兰王,荷里路德宫开始步上坦途。