Victoria's interest in her tragic predecessor lies behind one extraordinary item, now kept in Mary's bedchamber. This is a fabulously over the top piece of furniture, with these hearts, sort of, pulsating here, what is it? Well, this is a Flemish cabinet and, it has a rather interesting history. I wonder if we might have a look down here and it says that this was a cabinet that Queen Mary, Mary Queen of Scots, brought from Paris and was given to the Regent Lord Marr and it then descended in his family to Lord Belhaven who, in 1869, presented it to Queen Victoria. She must have loved it, belonging to Mary Queen of Scots. Absolutely, and there was a great vogue, a great cult, for anything that had an association with Mary Queen of Scots. A romantic, tragic heroine, that absolutely was something the Victorians loved, didn't they? Yeah, very much so. I must admit, looking at it. It's so pristine. It's hard to believe that it really is that old. 维多利亚对惨死的长辈感兴趣,可从玛丽寝宫内一件物品得到见证,家具上的心好像在跳动,是什么? 这是佛兰德木柜,有段很有趣的历史。 不如看看这下面,这里写明是玛丽女皇从巴黎带回来,后来送给摄政王马特。在他的家族代代相传下去,直至1869年传给贝尔克文勋爵,就把它献给维多利亚女王。她必定很喜欢,这是玛丽的遗物。 肯定,当时是个潮流。凡与玛丽女皇有关的一切都受追捧,浪漫的悲剧女主角,维多利亚时代的人最喜欢,对不? 是的。看起来很新,不似有悠久历史。