Holyroodhouse is perhaps the least known of all the Queen's palaces and yet, sitting at the very heart of English and Scottish politics right through the ages, it deserves to be better understood. This palace has witnessed some of the most dramatic and significant moments in Scotland's history. Home to the nation's most tragic queen, to the first king to unite Scotland with England, to a young pretender who hoped to overturn the old order, and now the official residence of our current queen. But that's just what we know about the Palace of Holyroodhouse. I reckon these old walls are still keeping a few secrets. 荷里路德宫可能是女皇行宫中,最少人认识的一座。但它看尽英格兰和苏格兰政坛风浪,值得我们去了解,这座宫殿见证了苏格兰史上一些激荡而重要的时刻,宫里住过最悲惨的女王。首先统一英格兰和苏格兰的国王,希望推翻旧制的幼僭王。以至当今女皇,都以此作行宫。这只是我们对荷里路德宫的认识,相信宫墙之内,仍然藏有一些未为人知的秘密。