The royal chateau at Blois is still one of the finest palaces in the country. It's certainly more elaborate than the Scottish castles of Mary's birth. French royal chateaux were masterpieces of architectural virtuosity, reflections of the elegance of the French court, while in Scotland they were more defensive fortresses. But then, to be fair, given the cold and rather more drizzly climate, it would hardly be very practical to build your staircase on the outside of a Scottish palace and with no windows. Inside, Mary would have found the chateau lavish. With every surface decorated, she'd have seen how the symbols and insignia of royalty proclaimed a sense of majesty. 布卢瓦的皇家庄园,仍然是这个国家最好的宫殿,它比苏格兰玛丽出生的宫殿更加精致。法国的皇家庄园是建筑上的杰作,是法国庭院设计上的一个优雅的代表。但是在苏格兰它们却是防御的要塞。但是公道的讲,鉴于那里阴冷多雨的气候,在一个没有窗户的宫殿外面建造楼梯,是没有任何实用价值的,进入里面,玛丽将会发现这个法国城堡。每个表面都经过装饰,她明白了皇室的象征和徽章是如何显示皇室的权威的。