But after just three years of marriage, Francis fell ill and died. Mary was heartbroken. She wrote a poem pouring out her grief. "I feel this beloved touch at work and in repose always close to me." Mary had no choice, but to go home. Mary's return was a historic moment. At just 18 years old, she was determined to impose her rule on this unruly nation. By all accounts, the citizens of Edinburgh were thrilled to have their queen home, they lit bonfires to celebrate and cheered her on her way to Holyrood. And even though Mary had spent 13 years in France, and she was fluent in French, she still retained her Scots so she was able to thank them in their own language. Definitely a strong start. 可惜婚后三年,弗朗西斯便染病,继而驾崩。玛丽在心碎之余,写了一首诗悼亡,我感到他温柔的触摸,他无时无刻不在我身旁。玛丽没有选择,只可以回家。 玛丽的回归是个重要历史时刻,她刚满18岁,决心好好治理这个桀惊不驯的国家。据闻爱丁堡居民兴奋欢迎女皇回国,他们点起篝火,恭送她往荷里路德。虽然玛丽在法国13年,法语很流利,她仍能以苏格兰语向他们道谢,肯定是个好开始。