The King himself, Charles I, was captured and imprisoned here, in his own royal castle. A month later, he was executed. After a public beheading in Whitehall, Charles's body was buried at Windsor. Monarchy was abolished, and Oliver Cromwell was in charge. Cromwell's men set about flogging off all the King's assets. Now, Charles I was the first great royal art collector, and there was a monumental quantity of paintings and precious objects to be disposed of. Windsor Castle itself was very nearly sold off, but parliament voted by the narrowest of margins to keep it. It was a low point for the castle, and yet it paved the way for a glittering transformation. 查理一世国王被逮捕,并被囚禁。在他自己的城堡里。一个月后,他被定罪,在白厅被公开斩首后,查理的尸体葬在温莎堡。君主制被取消,奥利弗·克伦威尔掌权。克伦威尔的士兵开始收缴国王所有的资产。现在,查理一世成了一位伟大的艺术收藏家,他收藏的大量画作和珍贵的物品可随时卖掉。连温莎城堡都差点被卖掉,但议会以极其微弱的票数,决定保留,这是城堡最没落的时候。然而,它也为城堡的辉煌的转变铺就坦途。