Within the walls of the castle, the son of Charles I, Charles II, created a sumptuous palace, to revive once more the glories of royalty. It was a bold move after the anti-monarchist years of Cromwell's republic, when it had seemed impossible a king would ever again sit on the English throne. If Charles II was going to avoid losing his head like his father, he needed to re-establish a clear sense of royal authority. And Windsor Castle was key to his plan. Right from the start of his reign in 1660, Charles wanted to reconnect with the royal past. But he set about it with a flamboyance never before seen in England. 在城墙之内,查理一世的儿子,查理二世,建起了一座豪华的宫殿,意图恢复皇室的尊荣。这是克伦威尔共和国反君主制几年后的勇敢举动,似乎查理二世此举也不可能让他回到英国国王的宝座之上。如果查理二世想避免像他父亲那样被搬脑袋,他就需要重建一个表明皇室权威的清晰印记。温莎城堡就是计划的关键,从他统治开始的1660年,查理一世一直想延续皇室的历史,他开始一连串前所未见的豪华装修。