For the walls, Charles employed the master carver, Grinling Gibbons, to create some of the plumpest, most luscious fruit, flowers and animals you'll ever see in wood. Charles II spared no expense in reflecting the glory of his rule. And certainly, anyone walking in here would know immediately that the austerity of the Cromwell years was over, and a new era had dawned. And where Charles's father had been seen as cold and distant, Charles knew he needed to be more approachable, albeit in a suitably regal way. So he created a new architecture for a new court. 查理二世雇佣了雕刻大师吉本斯来装修墙面,刻画了一些很丰满美味的水果,花束及动物形象,还有其他你能看到的东西。查理二世不计成本地体现他的统治荣耀,每个走入这里的人都很明了。克伦威尔严酷的统治时期已经结束,一个新的时代来临了。查理二世的父亲被认为是冷酷和不近人情的人。查理二世想采取一些堂皇的方式让他父亲变得“有亲和力”,所以他起了一栋新的建筑。