This sequence of rooms gives us a good idea of how the system worked. You started off in the larger, more public rooms, and then depending on your importance and status, you'd be allowed to penetrate further and further into the private rooms, and therefore closer to the King. And you'd know you'd made it if you got this far. This is the King's bedchamber. He didn't actually sleep here, that was in a private, smaller room elsewhere. But this is where he would perform a kind of ritualised getting-out-of-bed called a levee, which is an idea he brought over from France. And he would actually get out of bed in his underclothes, the pages of the body would dress him, and those lucky enough to be invited in to watch could take the opportunity to have an informal word with the King. A bit of networking, if you like. 这一个个房间向我们展示了这个系统是如何工作的,从一个较大较开放的房间开始,然后取决于你的着重点和身份,就可以越深入地了解这些私人的房间,更了解这个国王的内心,到了这里就能明白了。这是国王的卧室,实际上他并不睡这里,还有一个更小的私人房间,但在形式上,这个房间可以说明国王很早起床。然后举行早朝,这是他从法国学来的一招,他起床后也只穿内衣,他的贴身侍卫也就这样给他梳洗。那些有幸获邀的人会趁这个机会,跟国王说些随意的话,这也是拉关系~