Charles II had a PR job on his hands to reinforce that message that monarchy is the most glorious thing, to which everybody, you know must instinctively owe their loyalty. But he does it in a way that makes people feel warm towards him, because what he does is push back the boundary of where the sort of closed door is, so that people are able to come into his kind of inner rooms and see him doing a lot of domestic things that no one would have. You know, only a really small number of people would have seen Charles I doing. Within two years of Charles's restoration as King, he married. The new Queen arrived in England in April 1662. This spectacular scene on the ceiling is of Charles's Portuguese wife, Catherine of Braganza. She's being transported up on the clouds of heaven, and winged zephyrs are supporting her billowing canopy. 查理二世有自己的公关人员,向人们强化君主制最荣耀的观念。每个人都应该向国王效忠,但他能让每个人都觉得国王对他们很温暖。因为他所做的是把原来紧闭的大门打开,人们能够进入他的内室,看到很多他处理的国内事务,只有为数不多的几个人知道查理一世所作所为。查理复辟两年后,他结婚了,新王后于1662年四月来到英国。天花板上壮观的画面,画的是查理的葡萄牙妻子——布拉甘扎王朝的凯瑟琳。她在乌云密布时坐船前来,大风吹着帆布,一路飘洋过海。