But in reality, Catherine had a lot to put up with. She often felt upstaged by Charles's string of mistresses, most notably the luscious Nell Gwyn. Charles's wife had an almost sort of impossible position, really. He was fond of her, and when she arrived at Court. He said, "I want to be the best husband I can possibly be" to her, his intentions were good. But the kind of, you know, these sort of attractions of the beauties of his Court proved too much of a sort of, you know, eye-catch for him. So he doesn't remain faithful to her. But the thing that was a real killer for her was that she wasn't able to have children. And as a Queen, you know, this is your primary role, is to provide an heir. And she was obviously haunted by it. 事实上,凯瑟琳得忍受很多东西,查理有很多情人,这常让她觉得被抢了风头。尤以性感的奈尔·戈文为甚,查理的妻子几乎没有什么地位。她刚到英国的时候,查理很喜欢她。也对她说过“我要成为最好的丈夫”,他的意图是好的。但是,你也知道,宫中美女的诱惑更吸引了他的眼球,所以查理对他的妻子不忠诚了,但对凯瑟琳打击最大的是她不能生育。对一个王后来说,这才是主要的王位要有继承人,她也常为此伤心难过。