In the end, Charles stuck by his wife, but he was always seen as the King who loved pleasure, whether it was women or art. And to furnish his magnificent new palace at Windsor, he resolved to restore the fortunes of the royal art collection. Most of it had been sold off by Cromwell to repay debts. Now Charles began to hunt it down and reclaim it. And some of it was easy, from Cromwell's widow alone, he managed to retrieve 17 cartloads of paintings and sculptures and other precious objects. And this room is a kind of memorial to just a tiny selection of Charles I's paintings, here by the great Italian Renaissance masters. There's one in particular that caught my eye. 最终,查理回心转意,但他仍被认为是喜好寻欢作乐之人。不管是女人还是艺术,为了装修在温莎堡里新建的宏伟宫殿,他决心恢复皇室的艺术收藏。大多艺术品被克伦威尔卖掉来偿债,现在查理开始寻找并索回这些艺术品。有些还是比较容易拿回来的,仅从克伦威尔的遗孀那里,他就索回了17车的画作和雕塑,还有其他一些珍品。这个房间珍藏的,仅仅是很小的一部分,其中不乏意大利文艺复兴时期大师的作品,一幅很特别的画作吸引了我。