This is thought to be by Titian. And setting on first appraisal, it looks like the artistic equivalent, well at a top-shelf magazine. But not quite sure what's happening in this painting. Has the young woman fainted, and the man is actually feeling her heartbeat, or is she a faithless wife, he is her lover and that's her cuckolded husband behind her? There are a lot of mystery surrounding this painting. But one thing is for sure. It's rather saucy. Charles was both sensuous and serious in his love of the arts. And nothing has a more important place in the collection that Charles assembled than the drawings of the Renaissance artist and anatomist Leonardo da Vinci. 据说这幅画是提香所画,乍一看,这幅画就像是一本顶级的杂志。但没有人能确切知道这画描绘的是什么?一个柔弱的女人,那个男人能感受到她的心跳,抑或是她是个不忠的妻子,那个男的是她的情人,后面那位是被戴绿帽的丈夫?这幅画的含义,始终不明。但有一点是肯定的,这幅画难登大雅之堂,查理对艺术的狂热,感性而又不失严肃。在查理所有的收藏品中,最重要的莫过于文艺复兴时期的艺术家和解剖学家,达芬奇的画作。