Now, tell me about this book. Well, this album, which is now empty, was the album in which 600 drawings by Leonardo came to England in the 17th century, into the collection in the reign of Charles II. So the largest quantity of Leonardo drawings of flowers, of plants. Yes, almost his studies for paintings, his study for The Last Supper, Madonna and Child with St Anne, all his studies were in here. And so then they were cut out, were they? Well, they were removed, shall we say, in Queen Victoria's reign for individual mounting, so they could be exhibited, and to prevent them rubbing against each other on the pages of the album. And then this was originally in this book? Yes. I mean, he's got this absolutely perfect. I mean, it's very tender, this little drawing, isn't it? It's a beautiful thing, little curled up figure with red chalk, feeling like flesh and blood. Very moving. Incredible. And what about this, this is his famous mirror writing? It's his backwards writing. Yes, because he was left handed, he wrote throughout his life in mirror writing. And why did he do that? We don't really know. It must have been simpler for him, as a left hander, without smudging the ink. And so all his writing here, what's he doing here, he's making notes about? He would use these sheets as little mementoes and he would remind himself of whatever it was he was studying at any one time. 给我介绍下这本书吧~ 这本画集现在已经空了,原来有达芬奇的600幅的画作。在17世纪查理二世统治时期传到英国,大量达芬奇画的花,还有植物…他研习的画作,像《最后的晚餐》、《圣母子与圣安妮》都在这里。 后来被裁剪掉了? 是为了个人的展览,在维多利亚时期被剪掉的,那样就可以展出了,也避免了每个人翻来翻去。 这些就是原来画集中的是吧? 是的,他画得很完美。这幅画看着很有爱,手指微微弯曲,就像红色粉笔画的一样,很美…… 感觉就是个有血有肉的人,很令人感动。 难以置信!这个是……是那个很出名的镜像书写? 就是反过来书写的 对,因为他是左撇子,写出来的东西都是反过来的,那他为什么要那样做? 也不是很清楚,可能也很容易理解,一个左撇子,写字不会擦到墨水。所有他在这里写的和做的都是一些记录…他用这些小纸片做个备忘录,在研究中碰到的问题随时能记录下来。